The GRIGORIY KOVALCHUK, built by Vyborg Shipyard JSC, yard N° 704, enters service in July 1974 into the fleet of the Kamchatka Shipping Company, with Pertopavlovsk-Kamchatsky as home port and the soviet flag. Her IMO is 7418464 and her callsign is UUPN.
In 1992, she takes the flag of the new Russian Federation, but she stays chartered by the Kamchatka Shipping Company now privatized.
In 1999, the vessel is sold to the Pacific Plus Co and is chartered by the Oceaninterbusiness shipping company in Nakhodka. Her name becomes PACIFIC WIND with a new callsign : XUFV3.
In 2002, she becomes the property of the Eastgulf Shipping and Trading but remains chartered by the Oceaninterbusiness. Her new name is PACIFIC CARRIER, she is flying the cambodian flag with Phnom-Penh as home port. All these company are domiciled at the same address in Nakhodka.
In 2003, the ship is sold to be broken up. She is beached in Alang on 16-03-2003.
GRIGORIY KOVALCHUK, construit par Vyborg Shipyard JSC, unité N° 704, entre en service en juillet 1974 dans la flotte de la compagnie Kamchatka Shipping Company. Son
port d'attache est Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, son IMO 7418464, son indicatif d'appel UUPN, il bât pavillon de l'URSS
En 1992, il passe sous pavillon de la fédération de Russie, reste géré par la compagnie Kamchatka Shipping Co, désormais privatisée.
En 1999, il est vendu à la compagnie Pacific Plus Co de Vladivostok et est affrété par la compagnie Oceaninterbusiness de Nakhodka. Il devient alors PACIFIC WIND avec l'indicatif XUFV3.
En 2002, il passe sous pavillon cambodgien, port d'attache Phnom-Penh et devient PACIFIC CARRIER. Il est toujours géré par la compagnie Oceaninterbusiness mais devient la propriété de la société Eastgulf Shipping and Trading, basée à la même adresse.
En 2003, il est vendu aux ferrailleurs indien d'Alang et est beaché le 16-03-2003. |
Built in 07/1974
IMO 7418464
Length (OA) : 136.81 - Beam : 17.84
DWT : 7700 - Gross : 6662
Speed : 16.50
: Derrick : 2x40T/2x20T
1974 - 1992
Kamchatka Shipping Company
Callsign : UUPN
Flag : USSR

1992 - 1999
Kamchatka Shipping Company
Callsign : UUPN
Flag : Russia
1999 - 2002
Owner : Pacific Plus Co - Manager : Oceaninterbusiness (Nakhodka - Russia)
Flag : Russia
Owner : Eastgulf Shipping and Trading - Manager : Oceaninterbusiness (Nakhodka - Russia)
Flag : Cambodia
up in Alang on 11.03.03)